Key Advice for the Newly Wed

It is common for scholars and teachers to be asked for their advice on certain topics and situations. As Muslims we put a trust in our scholars and teachers as long as they are not doing anything against the Quran and the Sunnah of our beloved Messenger (Prophet Muhammad saws). Often the advice that is sought is related to topics […]

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The Super Muslim Woman Syndrome

Have you ever wanted everything in your life to be perfect? Have you ever found yourself wanting the perfect marriage, the perfect kids, and to be the perfect daughter? Do you want the perfect life? If this is you then you definitely have a problem called ‘The Super Muslim Woman Syndrome’. You want to be a perfectionist, though perfectionism doesn’t […]

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Importance of Compatibility

Compatibility by definition is as an adjective used for relationship that is “capable of existing or living together in harmony”. What a big and heavy word if you really think about it. It encompasses so much that we desire and it includes as part of its explanation even bigger words like existing, living and harmony. As such we realize that […]

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Agree to Do Your Share of Chores Around Your Home

The issue of chores or housework in a marriage may start off small however it can escalate into larger problems and can eventually ruin the relationship or end the marriage. We already know from the Sunnah, that the Prophet (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) used to perform chores at home, especially those pertaining to his own needs, such as repairing his […]

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Let’s talk it out!

Below we outline what constitutes as good communication in a marriage. If you can ensure that every correspondence between you and your spouse meets these criteria, then you are on the way to eternal bliss. R-E-S-P-E-C-T: Sarcasm, ridicule, judgmental statements and accusations, and put downs are the quick road to marriage hell. Good communication avoids all such disrespect and is qualitative. […]

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Making Time For Your Spouse

Making time for your spouse is one of the leading factors towards maintaining a healthy marriage. In this fast paced world, a persons scheduled is packed with activities. Whether a person has children or not, time becomes scarce. First a person schedules time to pray then fills his day with work, driving the kids places, commuting home, working out, cooking […]

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Simplify your Life

We are all striving hard to be the best at work, stay in amazing shape, have an amazing married life, have a beautiful home and the list of perfection goes on. But as this list grows and the obsession of perfection increases we find that we have less time for things that really matter to us the most. All of […]

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Focus Now (Importance of planning your child’s future)

This brand new series deals with the importance FOCUSing NOW on the future of your children. The series will discuss a number of hadith and ideas that can be used to develop your children now! Allah aza wa jal clearly states in the Quran (Sahih International): O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is […]

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Parents During the Marriage Process

Islam holds parents in a very high status and considers ones relationship with his or her parents one of the most important relationships that one must safeguard. Allah has said in the Quran: Worship Allah and associate nothing with Him, and to parents do good, and to relatives, orphans, the needy, the near neighbor, the neighbor farther away, the companion […]

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Love Marriage or an Arranged Marriage?

The issue of this marriage depends on the ruling on what came before it. If the love between the two parties did not transgress the limits set by Allaah or make them commit sin, then there is the hope that the marriage which results from this love will be more stable, because it came about as the result of the […]

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