Tought times for a Single Muslim

I am sixteen years old and I need help. A girl at the school in which I attend had started becoming close to me, talking to me and making me conjure feelings about her. Very soon I told her that I can’t talk to her anymore, and I broke any ties between her (ie: e-mail etc. etc.) but I still feel unhappy inside. I am diligent in prayer but I need a means for forgetting and filling this void.

I strongly advise you to get closer to Allah as he’s the only one who can relieve you from your distress.

One can get closer to Allah by observing his commands and warding off things he has prohibited. I advise you to adhere to your mandatory prayers and increase from any superoragotary prayers that make one more beloved to Allah. The night prayer especially in the last third of night is highly recommended as it is one of the best times to invoke Allah. Also, read the Holy Book, the Quran, as reciting it would soften one’s heart. Moreover, keep your tongue moistened with the remembrance of Allah as it is one of the means to get Allah’s protection. Make as much Istighfar and Dhikr as you can. You’ll notice after sometime with this “prescription”, some change in your life insha’Allah.

Sh. Riad Ouarzazi

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