A Wounded Heart

The sudden dreadful crying and screaming woke Zainab up. She lay on her bed, burying her face into the pillow, trying hard to block out the growing noise coming from the other room. It had hardly been two hours since she had cried herself to sleep. Her tender heart started pounding against her chest at the thought of what would […]

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Is there a set age for marriage in Islam?

Question: I would like to know whether there is a set age for marriage in Islam for men and women? I hope you can explain with reference to the Qur’aan and saheeh hadeeths. Answer: Praise be to Allaah. Firstly: Islam does not give a specific age for marriage, either for the husband or for the wife. Allah, may He be […]

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Win His Heart: A Psychological and Islamic Approach for Women

As women, we desire to have a deep emotional bond with our spouse. We want to be loved and adored. We need to nourish our spouse daily with love, support and understanding.As a therapist, I have seen numerous men who are disappointed in their marriages. Men’s Top 6 Requests of Their Wives Be his friend Show him respect Fulfill his […]

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Death In Sujood On Her Wedding Night

True strory told by Shaykh “Abdul Mohsen al Ahmad”, it happened in Abha (the capital of Asir province in Saudi Arabia. “After performing Salat Al Maghrib, she put her make-up, wore her beautiful white dress preparing herself for her wedding party, Then she heard the Adhan of ‘Ishaa and she realized that she broke her Wudu she told her mother : […]

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Preventing the Girlfriend-Boyfriend Relationship

Zina (fornication) has become a common place occurrence within the Muslim Youth community, and the Muslim girls and boys have sadly fallen prey to the snares of Western society. You may wonder how can such a situation occur when most Muslim parents virtually put their children under ‘lock and key’. The answer is that although most parents are strict where […]

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7 Things Your Muslim Husband Won’t Tell You

Ever wish you could read your husband’s mind? Western culture encourages husbands and wives to talk to each other and discuss things. However, in many Muslim cultures, men are raised to be stoic and tight-lipped. Muslim husbands are very often (not always) reluctant to talk about certain things with their wives. Part of the problem is also that sometimes it […]

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Womens Treatment in Islam

We receive many questions about the treatment of women in Islam in general and what Muslim men do with their wives in particular. The following should help to shed some light on this most important subject. Question: I have a question about the treatment of the women in Islam. Could you please tell us why the Quran tells men to “Beat […]

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Halal Love

Feeling so shy and nervous on the day of my niqah (wedding), I thought to myself: ‘Why am I so nervous? This is not my first niqah, I was married before so why am I feeling like this is my first’ My husband later told me : ‘My love, it’s because this is your first halal love, your first marriage […]

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Bringing Love Into Marriage

Marriage can be a wonderful experience or an awful one, but for most, it is somewhere in the middle, with ups and downs, twists and turns as we get to know and understand our spouses. I am not a marriage expert but I have a keen interest in what is it that causes these marital difficulties and what can be done to […]

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Wives Dealing With Tough Husbands

Question: In Islam, a man has options to choose from when his wife misbehaves or does something displeasing. For example, negotiating, then leaving her bedroom, and finally hitting lightly (with miswak-tooth stick). My question is, what if a man misbehaves? Does the woman have any options? What if he does something extremely horrible? What can she do? I know there’s divorce, but for women it’s […]

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