Focus Now (Importance of planning your child’s future)

This brand new series deals with the importance FOCUSing NOW on the future of your children. The series will discuss a number of hadith and ideas that can be used to develop your children now! Allah aza wa jal clearly states in the Quran (Sahih International): O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is […]

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Parents During the Marriage Process

Islam holds parents in a very high status and considers ones relationship with his or her parents one of the most important relationships that one must safeguard. Allah has said in the Quran: Worship Allah and associate nothing with Him, and to parents do good, and to relatives, orphans, the needy, the near neighbor, the neighbor farther away, the companion […]

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Love Marriage or an Arranged Marriage?

The issue of this marriage depends on the ruling on what came before it. If the love between the two parties did not transgress the limits set by Allaah or make them commit sin, then there is the hope that the marriage which results from this love will be more stable, because it came about as the result of the […]

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Visual versus Emotional

Allah has created men and women differently. One of the most pronounced differences between genders when it comes to issues of intimacy is arousal. Each gender has been keyed to respond to different senses. If a couple wishes to maximize feelings of closeness and intimacy, it is essential that each party understands the other’s arousal mechanism. For men, the primary […]

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7 Tips For Arranging a Cheap yet Exciting Wedding

You will find that these techniques can be used in all scales of weddings and you can still have an amazing day to remember inshAllah. Invite fewer people– The more people you invite to your wedding the larger the bill gets. Try to keep the wedding invitation list limited to closest friends and relatives and NOT everyone you’ve ever met in your life. […]

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Expensive Weddings – Is it really Wise?

Our wedding day is one of the most special day of our lives. We are at the verge of beginning a new life with our new partner for not only this life but inshAllah for the life to come. We spare nothing to make sure that this day will be a perfect and memorable one. Due to this reason we […]

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Long Distance Relationships: Giving Gifts!

When living overseas or staying away from your spouse one of the easiest things to do and possibly the most effective method of telling your spouse how much you miss them or how much you care for them is to send them gifts. In the world where a person can do almost anything on the internet it has become quite […]

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Arranged Marriage

We just can’t get rid of this cliché as a community. It still haunts us in the 20th century even though Islam has been protecting the rights of both women and men regarding this issue since the time of the Prophet SAW. Nowadays we still have this issue and people are still forced into marriage (not physically anymore but severe […]

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Warm Greetings – Hugs & Kisses for your Beloved

Sheikh Riad talk about the important of greetings.  

My Husband won’t help with the Housework!

If there is a universal complaint from wives about their husbands, it would have to be that their husbands don’t help around the house. This complaint seems to transcend culture, location, ethnicity and nearly every demographic (except for maybe the very wealthy). It seems beneficial to then ask a very simply question: Why do husbands not like to help with […]

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