How to Deal with Depression After Divorce?

Question: Asalaamualaikum. I hope my mail finds you well. My wife and I were married for just over a year. Before this we dated for three years. A few months ago my wife started her own business. I did my best to be supportive of her in her new venture. In the process, she (my wife) met with and interacted […]

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11 Basic Rights of Wives in Islam According to Quran and Hadith

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) once said, “Such a woman when her husband sees her; she should please him and when her husband orders her, she should obey him and she should not adopt a manner about her chastity and property which should displace her husband” . The Hadith proves the importance of a husband in the wives’ world, but Islam also tells […]

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An Intimate Ramadan

So, you have set your Ramadan goals and are on your way to achieving them with consistency and persistence, insha Allah. Everyone seems to have set their sights on creating a productive ramadan by increasing our ibadah in terms of prayer, sadaqah, Qur’an, etc. However, one aspect of ibadah (or an aspect which can be considered sadaqah when done with […]

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Islam and Intimacy

In Islam satisfying one’s sexual appetite is a both a vehicle to perpetuating the human race and curbing one’s most basic and primitive desires. A rewarding Intention: Lawfully satisfying one’s sexual appetite is a means of lowering one’s gaze and guarding one’s modesty. It is by the Mercy of Allah that muslims are rewarded for lawfully satisfying their sexual appetites. […]

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How to choose your Wife

When searching for a wife the most important principle one has to understand is that whatever pleases you about a woman will suffice. There are further clarifications in Islam on what are the qualities you should be looking for in a wife. This is one of the rights of your children upon you that you choose a good mother for […]

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Marrying overseas

Many Muslims for a variety of reasons have ventured into getting married across borders and cultures in many different scenarios. This has worked for many people and has been a disaster for others. We have looked into this matter and have found the success and failure factors in these marriages. To dig deeper into this topic we have to separate […]

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Courting according to Islam

Please understand the following principles as many people take them lightly and make many mistakes. Please read this brief explanation of each section but if more information is needed please research the topic further. Proposing or Approaching First step is to propose to the family or the sister directly. In Arabic the word for this is “khitbah”, known to us […]

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The Islamic Marriage Contract

The marriage (Nikah) contract is a very important element in finalizing the marriage and making a man and a woman lawful for each other. This is probably one of the biggest if not the biggest contract you will ever sign. This is a contract with which you take on a life partner and a start of a family. There are […]

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Etiquettes of Intimacy

Below is a brief explanation of etiquette’s related to intimacy in Islam. Each one of these headings has a lot more information so if you are unclear on any specific matter please do further research regarding the matter. 1. Private Setting The first important thing to remember is that the couple should be in a private room, with doors closed […]

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My In-laws are ….?

It’s amazing that as soon as you mention the word, only ill thoughts come to most people. This topic was previously viewed in a positive light as it strengthened family ties but unfortunately today it is considered negatively in both Muslim and non-Muslim circles. How did these issues develop within our family system and how did this negative stigma make […]

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