Halal Love

Feeling so shy and nervous on the day of my niqah (wedding), I thought to myself: ‘Why am I so nervous? This is not my first niqah, I was married before so why am I feeling like this is my first’ My husband later told me : ‘My love, it’s because this is your first halal love, your first marriage […]

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Bringing Love Into Marriage

Marriage can be a wonderful experience or an awful one, but for most, it is somewhere in the middle, with ups and downs, twists and turns as we get to know and understand our spouses. I am not a marriage expert but I have a keen interest in what is it that causes these marital difficulties and what can be done to […]

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Wives Dealing With Tough Husbands

Question: In Islam, a man has options to choose from when his wife misbehaves or does something displeasing. For example, negotiating, then leaving her bedroom, and finally hitting lightly (with miswak-tooth stick). My question is, what if a man misbehaves? Does the woman have any options? What if he does something extremely horrible? What can she do? I know there’s divorce, but for women it’s […]

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What’s Love Got To Do With It?

And as we know from before, Tina Turner put it even more bluntly in her next line of her hit song, “What’s love but a second-hand emotion?” You have to give it to song-writers: they really do express the truth sometimes in remarkably effective fashion. The issues of love, prospective partners, marriage, keeping the flame of love burning etc have been […]

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Her Mahr Was Surah Al-Noor

Hiba Ammar writes: When my father proposed to my mother, he dedicated Surah Al-Imran, which he memorized off heart, as her “Mahr” (dowry). And when my husband proposed to me, my father told him that he would have to memorize a Surah of the Quran as my mahr. The wedding will not go on unless I’ve received my mahr I […]

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Second Chance: Causes and Lessons from Divorce in Muslims

Practimate created a unique survey, one that dives into matters of divorce amongst Muslims. This survey was unique, in that it is the first survey in the West that goes through the causes of divorce and the lessons learned by Muslim divorcees, around the globe.  This article discusses the patterns that are emerging and what has been learned from the increasing statistic. […]

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A Devoted Wife.

Barry returned from a doctor’s visit one day and told his wife that the doctor said he only had 24 hours to live. Wiping away her tears, he asked her to make love with him. Of course she agreed and they made passionate love. Later, Barry was getting into bed when he realised he now had only eight hours of […]

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What Do Housewives Do All Day?

A man came home from work and found his three children outside, still in their pajamas, playing in the mud, with empty food boxes and wrappers strewn all around the front yard. The door of his wife’s car was open, as was the front door to the house and there was no sign of the dog. Proceeding into the entry, […]

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Advice to Daughter-in-Laws

At times we may feel that we know exactly what we are doing and most importantly we think that we are the best at it. That usually is not that case and as anything thing in life, we need to learn and improve ourselves. This is from the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet (may Allah be pleased with him). Followed is some […]

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Fathers and Daughters

Bismillah “Father, I know that we cannot choose our family, this choice is made by the Almighty and we only find out when we arrive in this world who is to be our parents. However, what I know and feel in my heart is that were I to choose my father, I would have chosen you baaba.” This is what […]

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