Our Team

Sh. Riad Ouarzazi was born in Casablanca, Morocco. After achieving his Islamic degree from Morocco, he moved to the United States in 1988 where he pursued a BA in International Management and a Masters of Science in Computer Information Systems with a 3.9 GPA. Sh. Riad is an NLP Certified Life Coach practitioner. He has delivered several seminars across the globe on Empowering Relationships, Parenting, Time Management, Anger/Stress Management, Motivational techniques, Leadership skills and other public speaking seminars.

Riad Ouarzazi Consulting and Training


  • NLP Life Coach Certified Practitioner
  • Al Maghrib Institute Instructor
  • Marriage Officer and Family Counselor
  • Community leader and a Fund raiser
  • Marriage and crisis councilor for several Islamic organizations
  • Former Media Coordinator for the Islamic Society of San Francisco
  • Cadence Project Management Certified
  • Toast Masters Public Speaker
  • LEAN SIX SIGMA White belt
  • Certified Time Management from Franklin Covey
  • Certificate of Completion from Franklin Covey: Technical Writing training course
  • Private Life Coach and founder of Serene Life Coaching, and Riad Ouarzazi Consulting and Training companies
  • Several appearances on various TV educational programs
  • Former Head of IT and Corporate Chief Information Officer at Orion Holding Overseas in Dubai
  • Senior Oracle Consultant
  • Expert in Strategic and Tactical Planning
  • Expert in Technology Infrastructure


Sheikh Alaa was born in Cairo and lived in Egypt until he was 15 years old. During his youth, he spent his time as the goalie for the Junior National Team and moved to Canada in the late 1970’s, where he lived in Toronto.

Sheikh Alaa worked as a Vice-President of Business Development for an international company, and during this time he competed and placed first in the 1992 Bermuda Triathlon.

Sheikh Alaa has studied for his Bachelors in Shari’ah from the American International University, and has earned a scholarship from the Shari’ah Academy in Egypt/Florida. He has also received his Ijazah of Qur’an recitation for Hafs an Asim, studied comparative religion for five years through the IPCI in South Africa, and was on the board of director of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth.

Sheikh Alaa currently lives in GTA (Greater Toronto Area) with his wife and three children. He is a member of Canadian Council of Imams; he’s also a member of Horizon Interfaith Communication Media Council. Prior to this he was an Imam for Muslim Council of Calgary and acted as its media spokesperson. He has hosted Vision of Islam, a weekly television show which runs throughout Alberta, Canada. He also appeared as a speaker on Islam on various television channels. Sheikh Alaa was a member of the Calgary Multi-Faith Committee, and a member of the Muslim Christian Dialogue Committee. Sheikh Alaa received the Alberta Centennial award by the Alberta Government in 2005, granted to him for his outstanding service to the Alberta community.

Currently Sheikh Alaa is the Director of Religious Affairs for the Islamic Centre of Canada-ISNA. Prior to that, he was the Executive Director for the Canadian Islamic Congress. Sheikh Alaa is tutor with AlKauthar and is also the director of internal & external affairs for Mercy Mission world.

  • Introduction to Six Sigma
  • Advance Train the Trainer
  • Crises Management
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Inclusion Training
  • Communications skills
  • Human Resources Management
  • Human Relations Supervision


Sheikh Kamal El Makki is a young dynamic speaker and lecturer in the United States who dedicates his time and efforts into educating the people through his various talks. He teaches a number of intensive courses designed for the youth and also specializes in the field of Islamic History. The most famous of his talks is his vibrant Dawah workshop called “How to Give Shahadah in 10 minutes,” which has led hundreds to Islam.


He served as the Imam of George Mason University and has also served as a radio talk show host for a large Islamic radio station in America. He has been teaching Islamic studies in more than five mosques across the Washington DC metropolitan area for over four years. He also teaches various courses designed especially for the youth growing up in the West.


Shaykh Navaid Aziz has been described as being a gem in and of himself. One of the youngest instructors to join AlMaghrib, Shaykh Navaid has a way of making each student feel special, as though he is talking to them one-on-one. Students have described his demeanour and manner of speaking to exude sincerity and care. His personal stories connect directly with the youth and are his strength in carrying the message across.

Hailing from Montreal, Quebec Sh Navaid is a man of many cultures and flavours. He completed an associate’s degree in Commerce and Social Sciences before heading to the illustrious Islamic University of Madinah. Sh. Navaid went on to complete a diploma in the Arabic language as well as a bachelors in Shari’ah (Islamic Law), with a specialization in Fiqh and Usul Al-Fiqh.

Upon returning to North America Sh. Navaid joined the speakers circuit and has travelled the world lecturing and teaching. He is the founder of http://www.myspiritualfix.com a modern day approach to spirituality. He serves the Muslim community as a family and youth counselor. As a strong advocator for a bright Muslim future he is the Islamic editor for Recess Kids magazine in North America and Little Explorers magazine in the United Kingdom. If Sh. Navaid is not found lecturing he will more than likely be found updating his Facebook status, reading a book in his personal library, or taking some of the brothers to school on the basketball court.


Brother Ibrahim Hindy Ibrahim Hindy was born and raised in Toronto, Canada where he currently resides. He began lecturing and delivering friday sermons at the young age of 18 throughout Toronto at many mosques, including Masjid Salaheddin where his father, Imam Aly Hindy, serves as Imam. Even in his youth, Ibrahim travelled extensively in search of knowledge and attended the classes of many great scholars in Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

Ibrahim Hindy has degree in History of Religions from the University of Toronto with a concentration in Islamic studies and is currently completing a Masters in Usul al-Fiqh from Al-Madinah International University in Malaysia. Ibrahim is also pursuing a certification Couple and Family Therapy Studies at the University of Guelph.

He is also an instructor at Al-Fajr Institute of Islamic Sciences in Mississauga, Ontario.


Sister Megan Waytt has spent the past 2 years particularly consumed in areas of love and marriage, and is best known for being excellent at uncovering the real root issues that are preventing individuals and couples from experiencing greater happiness and love in their lives.

She is an entrepreneur, life coach, and currently a faculty member and trainer for Practimate, a pre-marital training company for Muslims in the West. She is also the marriage advice columnist for SISTERS Magazine, giving practical advice to married Muslimahs on how they can have more happiness and love in their marriages.

She is an entrepreneur, life coach, and currently a faculty member and trainer for Practimate, a pre-marital training company for Muslims in the West. She is also the marriage advice columnist for SISTERS Magazine, giving practical advice to married Muslimahs on how they can have more happiness and love in their marriages.


Sister Zohra Sarwari is an author of 10 books, international speaker, entrepreuner, publisher,  and teacher to 4 kids, mashAllaah.  She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, a master’s Degree in Business Administration, and she is currently working on her BA for Islamic Studies.  She has been seen on CBS, FOX News, and many other TV channels.  She has also been interviewed in many Magazines, Newspapers, and Radio Shows.  She speaks at many of the best Colleges and Universities mashAllaah.  Her children have authored 8 book together.


Brother Abu Ali is the CEO of Intimate Muslim. A code monkey by day and an Intimate Muslim by night (pun intended) he was inspired to launch this project by his best friend, his wife. With Islamic and modern sources on intimacy as their toolkit, he and his team send out email tips regularly. You can go to www.IntimateMuslim.com to sign up on their mailing list.


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