Am I Marrying the Right Person?

This is the question you must ask before marrying someone. While many factors are used to determine compatibility, you may be surprised to read that the answer to this question is in fact mostly based on feelings. Through the process of getting to know different types of people, you will discover a variety of personalities and, more importantly, the type […]

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Reading the Red-Flags

Getting to know someone for marriage can be a nerve-racking and an exciting experience all at the same time.  Through conversations, a couple seeks to learn about each other and determine compatibly for a lifetime together.  However, many couples get so emotionally attached in the early stages of the relationship that they cannot see or choose to deny red flags […]

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Content Ever After

Those who are involved in family counseling, or facing family problems themselves, will notice some recurrent complaints: “She doesn’t like to…”,“He doesn’t spend enough time in…” and so forth. While often these problems are real, sometimes these complaints can be translated as: “She’s not like sister X”, “He doesn’t treat me the way brother Y treats his wife”, “She doesn’t […]

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7 Tips: What to Do If You’re a Conscientious Muslim, Want to Get Married but are Still Single

IT IS A hard position to be in. You want to connect with someone at the deepest level of intimacy spiritually, physically, intellectually and emotionally. And yet, because of your decision to try your best to stick to the guidelines God has revealed for intimacy, you’re still single and possibly lonely. Some of you are constantly being asked by your […]

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Getting Married Young

In this article we will see what the positives and negatives of getting married at a young age as Muslims. Pros The husband and wife will be able to protect themselves from all the temptations that surround them. At a young age, temptation levels are at their peak and it is generally very hard to control one’s desires. This should […]

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Ask your Question!

At Muslim Marriage Advice, we are here to help you, support you, and advise you on some of the most sensitive issues we face in our daily lives. Everyones situation is different and we understand that.  You may be someone who is looking for someone special to marry or someone about to get married or about to have a child […]

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The Purpose of Marriage

The society we live in provoke many thoughts in regards to the purpose of marriage. We see all around us that people are letting go of marriage and resorting to other forms of lifestyle. We truly have forgotten what the real purpose of marriage was and how it is just as relevant today. Procreation Procreation is one of the natural […]

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Forced Marriage an Islamic Perspective by Nouman Ali Khan

Answer to one of the most commonly asked Questions today. Brother Nouman Ali Khan gives advice and suggests solution to not only children but also their parents.

How To Respect Your Teens’ Privacy

Teenagers — youths at the threshold of adulthood, still harbouring a carefree, emotional child within, need their parents to empathize with them during the rocky, transitional phase of adolescence. From bawling infants requiring round-the-clock care, to toddlers that break free and run amok, to preschoolers learning to scribble and being read to, to hyperactive tots who love to help around […]

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10 Survival Tips for Newlyweds

In much of the world, it is very normal for couples to live together before marriage. However according to our Islamic views that is completely unacceptable. Majority of couples live together for the first time only after the wedding. Living together is completely different from the courtship and engagement period, and it can be a difficult adjustment for some couples. […]

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