Married Life Between Extravagance and Stinginess

The following are phrases often heard from one spouse about the other: “My husband is stingy”; “My husband does not buy me my necessities”; “My husband gives money to his family and does not give me anything”; “My wife exaggerates in her spending”; “My wife does not care about saving, nor does she care how hard I work”; “My wife […]

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A Happy Home

Allah The Almighty Says (what means):{And Allah has made for you from your homes a place of rest.}[Quran 16:80] You have told the truth, O our Lord! The home is a place of rest, stability, comfort, reassurance, safety and tranquility, in which we live, and with which we protect ourselves from the heat of summer and the cold of winter. […]

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A Spouse Closed to Growth | Part 1

The Young Man and the Elder Stranger A 24-YEAR-OLD man lived in a small town where everyone knew everyone else. He had a reputation as someone who could not keep a job for long, who did just the necessary minimum to get by. He never hurt anyone or committed any crime but seemed to have no ambition or willingness to improve […]

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The Fires of Marriage: Fire #1: Is Your Spouse Inconsiderate of Your Time?

IN OUR INTRODUCTION (“The Fires of Marriage: How to Stop Fighting With Your Spouse”) we discussed how marital conflict can be used as a tool to bring couples closer by strengthening their bond. Just as Allah’s Messenger œ mentioned that fitnah (tribulation) purifies the believer like a forge-fire purifies gold, there is perhaps no relationship that can purify a person better […]

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The Fires of Marriage: How to Stop Fighting

The Missing Marriage-Crisis Link MARRIAGE IS CURRENTLY one of the most popular topics in the Muslim community, and not just because people like a love story or aunties are bored (although those are true too). Marriage in America is in crisis, irrespective of religion. As a reaction, we constantly hear talks that seek to enlighten the average Muslim couple about their […]

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Even the Prophets Had Family Problems

ANY OF US struggle with familial relationships. Sometimes, it can be overwhelmingly lonely. But even in the most difficult of family times, remember: even the Prophets had family issues. And despite their struggles, they continued in the path of God, knowing He was with them and that they were not alone—just as we must know through our own struggles. You […]

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Spiritual vs. Romantic Love

There has been a tendency to mix between romantic and spiritual love, with a mistaken belief that both are just two faces of the same coin. While I agree that both emanate from the same sacred fountain of life, with an objective of creating enjoyable and serene atmosphere, there is a clear distinction between them. Romantic love is conditional, spiritual […]

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You Were a Spouse Before You Became a Parent

Escapism is officially defined as: Es·cap·ism (-skpzm) n. The tendency to escape from daily reality or routine by indulging in daydreaming, fantasy, or entertainment. *** He arrives home at 8:30 p.m, exhausted from the day’s work. As he shuts the front door gently, she hears him enter, totally engrossed in the latest plot twist of the local prime time television show. […]

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Successful marriage is about more than rights!

By: Abu Ibrahim Source: Articles and books that contain the phrase “Rights of the Muslim Wife/Husband” should be banned. Those are some of the worst and destructive articles I’ve ever encountered in the English-Muslim world. This is not to say that Muslim men and women do not have rights. Of course they do. But I don’t think it’s wise for […]

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Marriage And Divorce In Islam!

Marriage is a lawful union between man and woman based on mutual consent comprising devotion, intimacy, and respect of each other. Islam is the strongest advocate of marriage as it is a moral safeguard along social necessity. The purpose behind marriage is to foster state of companion between man and wife as it has declared half faith in Deen e […]

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